For so long it has been me and him: when I used to fly to Ireland for my show every weekend when he was 4 months old; trips to Belfast and York to see relatives; the whole time I was out of work trying to become a script ed; our movies afternoons and playdates - it has been just the two of us. Suddenly as I lifted a mound of ever growing bubbles from his wee head - it hit me, that it would never be the same again. I felt this ridiculous sadness. Don't get me wrong, I'm over the moon to give him a sibling - something I never had - but I just felt this inexplicable loss. I pulled him close to me and kissed his wet cheek. He has been the biggest joy and surprise of my life - filled some lost void inside me that churned for years until his arrival. He makes me laugh more than anyone else and fills me with a pride that only parents can appreciate. I thought I'd upload some pics of my time so far with my beautiful son.
Finn, I love you.
He is a gorgeous little boy!
(Sniffle) This is so sweet!
He is really beautiful. A loss but a gain also. Great post and I love the pics.
This post made me tear up AS WELL... stop doing that to me!
It is absolutely precious.
It would be cool if one day when he's all 'growed-up' (as my boy puts it) he could read this post from his fabulous mama.
Thank you for sharing.
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