Friday, 11 April 2008

Over the Moon.... hurrah!


Today I got a phonecall that will change my life - I got offered a script editing job at Eastenders!!!!

I am beyond excited. And terrified. After the assistant script ed job went internally at the BBC I was devastated - as I thought I would be seen as too inexperienced to get the fully fledged script editor one... but I applied anyway. I was chuffed to be invited for interview but didn't have high hopes. It was on Monday and I socked it to them! We talked writers and characters and all sorts - as I know the show inside out - and I tried to persuade them that passion was worth more than experience. I left with a spring in my step - I had done my best.

They offered me the job today. My heart began to beat very fast in shock.

I am thrilled. Amazed. Excited to be going back to work. Worried about leaving sproglet. Going now to soak up every last minute with him.

Thanks for all your support - is proof that hard work and determination DO pay off.

1 comment:

Gerry Alexis said...

Congratulations! Something fantastic had to happen soon - you worked so hard. Well Done, you totally deserve it xx